Graduate Resources

Welcome to MPIRO Graduate Resources!

Applying for graduate programs can be daunting.. so the MPIRO team have collated some resources to get you ahead of your application journey! 

What graduate programs are available for me?

Starting your graduate program search with and understanding of your key interests will help you narrow down a list of programs you’re mostly interested in. Applying for many grad programs can become hard to keep track of!

The Australian Public Service offers a wide range of career path options. Whether you studied international relations or a different discipline, the APS employs a diverse range of people from all different academic backgrounds. 

To learn more, head over to the APS Graduate Portal!

The Victorian Public Service (VPS), similar to the APS, offers an extremely diversified career pool. Ranging from entry level policy officers to project management, the possibilities are inexhaustible!

To learn more about VPS graduate opportunities, head over to the VPS website!

Graduate Tips & Tricks!

Here, we’re sharing tips from alumni and recruiters to help you in the application and job searching process. 

Do you know about APSC’s ‘Cracking the Code’?

The Australian Public Service Commission has a helpful guide for those interested in applying for Australian Public Service graduate programs! 

APSC ‘Cracking the Code’

Apply for the programs you are really interested in!

The number 1 tip from MPIRO’s event with Department of Defence was to research and apply for the programs you are really interested in, rather than applying for all available ones. Having a tailored approach will have your application journey more streamlined and probably less stressful!

Tackle the selection criteria using the ‘STAR’ method!

If you haven’t heard of it before, the STAR method stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result. When responding to the selection criteria, it’s important you cover: 

a) Situation: describe a work or university situation applicable to the criteria that you were faced with

b) Task: describe the task you had to compete

c) Action: describe the action you took to complete the task 

d) Result: describe the result of your action. Was this positive? Did you receive positive feedback from management or colleagues? What impact did this have on others or the organisation?

‘SMART Resume’ offers targeted suggestions and guidance on your resume. 

If you would like to secure guidance and suggestions on your resume, you can upload it to UniMelb’s ‘SMART Resume’ program. Here it will suggest how to improve your delivery of speech, focus on content strength, assess how it fits towards a targeted career goal, and more!

Visit ‘SMART Resume’ here

Familiarise yourself with the Integrated Leadership System

If you’re thinking of applying for a public service role, spend some time thinking about what skills you can demonstrate in accordance with this system, and what you can improve on. 

Visit the guide to ILS for APS here. 

Familiarise yourself with, and practice for, psychometric testing 

A psychometric assessment is used to measure a person’s suitability for a role based on their intellectual capabilities and personality traits. While you can’t *really* study for a psychometric test per se, there are a few things you can do to help prepare you. 

Read some tips and tricks on Seek here. 

And on UniMelb here. 

Believe in yourself!

It’s not about how much work experience, internships or extracurricular you have, but how you can articulate and present your experiences in a persuasive way. 

Our motto: Hope for the best, expect the worst, and remember to be confident and not to take rejections personally or too seriously. A lot of circumstances need to align to receive an offer and some out of your control; even if you’re the smartest person in Australia. 

Questions? Get in touch!

Think there’s something missing you want to know or think grads could benefit from? Drop us a line!



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